Local or global FM?: Consider security

Security is paramount for seamless facilities management – but what difference do locally sourced and globally sourced solutions make?
Having worked in global procurement for over 20 years, and now in my role as Mitie’s Chief Procurement Officer, I’ve seen how both approaches have impacted security on a range of contracts.
For the fourth instalment in a five-part series on local vs global FM, I’ve broken down key considerations to help you choose the solution that brings assurance of optimal security for your organisation.
Shaun Carroll, Mitie CPO
Safeguarding operations has never been more important. From terrorism to cyberattacks and threats from rogue states, you must think carefully about local and global FM’s implications for your organisation’s security.
Going local
Local FM partners bring a range of security benefits to the table. Any relevant accreditations and delivery standards should be visible and transparent. This isn’t always the case in a global solution with a complex chain of suppliers. Look for independently verified accreditations that demonstrate a commitment to keeping your organisation, people and data safe. For example, Mitie’s estate is certified by Cyber Essentials Plus, the UK Government-backed standard in cyber security and has an exceptional A(98) rating for cyber security and resilience, independently rated by Security Scorecard, an external cyber assessment and rating company.
In addition, local FM providers’ specialist in-country knowledge means they have a thorough understanding of the codes and regulations that apply in that location. Compliance further minimises security risks as systems are appropriately operated and maintained, sites are kept safe and emergency responses are in place. On a practical level, a local provider is best qualified to manage access and implement site-specific security measures. They are directly involved in screening and choosing suitably qualified staff – another major plus due to the additional safeguarding this enables.
Going global
Careful thought should be given to the supply chain used by global managing agents to fulfil their service delivery locally. Relevant accreditations and delivery standards may not be transparent due to the complexity of the contract, so be sure to practice due diligence. This is particularly important in relation to data protection regulations to avoid breaches or non-compliance. Remember global providers are likely to implement standard security solutions across multiple locations. In some instances this may result in an elevated security risk due to a lack of understanding of local regulations and threats specific to the location. Equally, by applying best practice from across various global regions, the level of security and efficiency may in fact increase.
When making your choice between local and global FM, consider the following:
- Do I need to have confidence and visibility of my supply chain and the risk of security issues within it?
- Does my potential FM partner have independently verified security credentials?
- Am I happy that my partner has thought about all possible security risks?
To read my full analysis of local and global FM, check out my mini-guide: Locally sourced FM to secure your success.
Locally sourced FM to secure your success
A CPO’s mini-guide to answering the ‘Local or global?’ FM conundrum.
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